Signature Topics - Atrocity Prevention

ECtHR Indicates Interim Measures in Arm v. Azer re: Lachin Corridor

Justine N. Stefanelli

On December 21, 2022, the European Court of Human Rights indicated interim measures in the case Armenia v. Azerbaijan (no. 4).

Justice for Victims of War Crimes Act Passed in U.S. Senate

Justine N. Stefanelli

On December 22, 2022, the U.S.

UN HRC Holds Elections, Creates Special Rapporteur on Russia

Justine N. Stefanelli

On October 11, 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Council elected 14 member states to serve on the C

Germany is Fifth State to Intervene in Ukraine v. Russia at ICJ

Justine N. Stefanelli

On September 2, Germany became the fifth state to file a declaration of interventio

ICJ Delivers Judgment on Preliminary Objections in The Gambia v. Myanmar

Justine N. Stefanelli

On Friday, July 22, 2022, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) delivered its Judgme

EU-US-UK Establish Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group for Ukraine

Justine N. Stefanelli

On May 25, 2022, the U.S.

Said Abdel Kani Loses ICC Appeal Against Pre-Trial Detention

Justine N. Stefanelli

On May 19, 2022, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court denied the appeal of Mr.