High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy


China?s success in cultivating Big Tech firms has enabled it to emerge as a formidable rival to the United States in the digital sphere. But in the past few years, the Chinese government has embarked on a massive regulatory crackdown, targeting its largest tech corporations such as Alibaba, Tencent, and Meituan. Many Western experts have viewed this tech crackdown as an assault on private businesses, causing doubt among investors about whether Chinese firms are still investable. Professor Angela Zhang will go beyond the headlines to unravel the dynamic complexity of China?s regulatory governance. Drawing insights from her newly published book, High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy, she will introduce the dynamic pyramid model of regulation, an analytical framework that demystifies Chinese regulatory governance. She will examine the impact of the tech crackdown on the administrative state, the competitive landscape, and global tech rivalry. And she will peer into the future by examining China?s strategy for regulating generative artificial intelligence.
Professor Thomas Streinz, executive director of Guarini Global Law & Tech will moderate the session and Professors Harry First and Eleanor Fox will be discussants.

Date and Location

Monday, April 15, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm
Furman Hall Room 214 and on Zoom
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245 Sullivan St
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