AJIL Webinar: International Economic Law for a Multipolar World


We are entering an increasingly multipolar world, in which global wealth and power are more widely dispersed, and economic and security concerns, more intertwined. These shifts are changing the content and structure of international economic law, as states rethink their interests and their places in the world. This webinar considers how shifts in global power are challenging existing international economic law and how this area of law can or should develop moving forward.


Sarah Bauerle Danzman 
Associate Professor
Hamilton Lugar School of Global & International Studies
Indiana University Bloomington
Harlan Grant Cohen
Professor of Law
Fordham University
Henry Gao
Professor of Law
Singapore Management University
Nicholas J.T. Mulder
Assistant Professor of Modern European History & Milstein Faculty Fellow
Department of History
Cornell University
Moderated by:

Ingrid Brunk, co-Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of International Law 

Date and Location

Friday, February 16, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am